Thursday, October 19, 2006

Crab Salad Recipe


Boil three dozen hard-shell crabs twenty-five minutes; drain and let them cool gradually; remove the upper shell and the tail, break the remainder apart and pick out the meat carefully.
The large claws should not be forgotten, for they contain a dainty morsel, and the creamy fat attached to the upper shell should not be overlooked.
Line a salad bowl with the small white leaves of two heads of lettuce, add the crab meat, pour over it a "Mayonnaise" garnish with crab claws, hard-boiled eggs and little mounds of cress leaves, which may be mixed with the salad when served.


Crab meat may be either fresh or canned, but, of course, fresh crab meat is more desirable if it can be obtained.

2 c. crab meat
1 c. diced celery
French dressing
1 hard-cooked egg

Chill crab meat and add the diced celery.
Marinate with French dressing, and allow this mixture to stand for 1/2 hour or so before serving.
Keep as cold as possible.
Drain off the French dressing and heap the salad mixture on garnished salad plates or in a salad bowl garnished with lettuce.
Pour mayonnaise dressing over the top, garnish with slices of hard-cooked egg, and serve.

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Egg Salad Recipe


6 Eggs
1 Lettuce
1 bunch Watercress
Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing
1 Beetroot

Put the eggs into boiling water and boil fifteen minutes.
Plunge into cold water till quite cold, peel and cut into quarters. Wash and cleanse the watercress and lettuce and cut into pieces.
Put a layer of this at the bottom of the bowl, then one of eggs dipped in the dressing, then another of lettuce and egg until all are used up, leaving plenty of lettuce for the top.
Garnish with sprigs of watercress and slices of beetroot alternately.


Use small eggplants.
Place on end of toasting fork under broiler gas flame until the peel is black; remove the skin.
The eggplant will then be tender;
chop with wooden spoon, add lemon juice, parsley chopped fine, and olive oil.


1 lb. of cold boiled potatoes,
6 hard-boiled eggs,
the juice of 1/2 a lemon, pepper and salt to taste.

Cut the potatoes and eggs into slices, dust them with pepper and salt, add the lemon juice, and mix all well together.
Cover with mayonnaise and garnish with watercress.

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Potato Salad Recipe #2


10 or 12 cold boiled potatoes,
4 tablespoonfuls of tarragon or plain vinegar,
6 tablespoonfuls of salad-oil,
pepper and salt to taste,
1 teaspoonful of minced parsley.

Cut the potatoes into slices about 1/2 inch in thickness;
put these into a salad-bowl with oil and vinegar in the above proportion; season with pepper, salt, and a teaspoonful of minced parsley;
stir the salad well, that all the ingredients may be thoroughly incorporated, and
it is ready to serve.
This should be made two or three hours before it is wanted for table.
Anchovies, olives, or pickles may be added to this salad, as also slices of cold beef, fowl, or turkey.


Slice up some cold boiled potatoes.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.
Mix the oil and vinegar together in the proportion of two of oil to one of vinegar; pour this over, let it stand for an hour, and serve.


1 1/2 c. diced potatoes
1/2 c. diced cucumber
Boiled salad dressing
1/2 c. diced celery
1 medium-sized onion

Prepare the vegetables in the usual way, dicing them carefully, and just before serving mix them together, season well with salt, and add the salad dressing.
Boiled dressing is preferable.
Place in a salad bowl or on salad plates garnished with lettuce.

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Cucumber Salad Recipe #2


Pare thickly, from end to end, and lay in ice-water one hour;
wipe them, slice thin, and slice an onion equally thin.
Strew salt over them, shake up a few times, cover and let remain in this brine for another hour.
Then squeeze or press out every drop of water which has been extracted from the cucumbers.
Put into a salad bowl, sprinkle with white pepper and scatter bits of parsley over them; add enough vinegar to cover.
You may slice up an equal quantity of white or red radishes and mix with this salad.


Peel and slice a cucumber,
mix together 1/2 a teaspoonful of salt,
1/4 of a teaspoonful of white pepper,
and 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil,
stir it well together,
then add very gradually 1 tablespoonful of vinegar,
stirring it all the time.

Put the sliced cucumber into a salad dish, and garnish it with nasturtium leaves and flowers.

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Cucumber Salad Recipe

Besides serving plain slices of cucumber on a lettuce leaf, as may be done at any time, cucumbers may be used as an ingredient in the making of many salads.

3 medium-sized cucumbers
1 c. diced tomato
1/2 c. diced celery
Salad dressing
1 pimiento

Peel the cucumbers, cut them into halves, and with a small spoon scoop out the cucumbers in chunks, so that a boat-shaped piece of cucumber that is about 1/4 inch thick remains.
Dice the pieces of cucumber which have been scooped from the center, and place the cucumber shells in ice water so as to make them crisp.
Mix the diced tomato, celery, and cucumber together, and just before serving drain them carefully so that no liquid remains.
Mix with salad dressing, wipe the cucumber shells dry, fill them with the salad mixture, and place on salad plates garnished with lettuce leaves.
Cut the pimiento into thin strips, and place three or four strips diagonally across the cucumber.
Sufficient to Serve Six

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Macaroni & Cheese Salad Recipe

1/4 lb. Macaroni
1/4 lb. Cheese
1 teaspoonful French Mustard
3 tablespoonsful Oil
3 tablespoonsful Vinegar
1/2 Head of Celery
1/2 Lettuce

Boil the macaroni, or use any cold that may be in the larder.
Cut it into pieces about three inches long, cut the cheese into very thin slices, and cut the celery into very small pieces.
Lay these alternately in a bowl with some shredded lettuce.
Make a dressing of the mustard, oil, and vinegar, and pour it over.
Garnish with a little beetroot, and serve.

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Mexican Pasta Salad Recipe

4 (3 Oz.) Boneless Skinned
Chicken Breasts
1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
1 teaspoon Vegetable Oil
1/2 cup Water
1/4 tablespoon Chili Powder
1/2 teaspoon Chicken Bouillon Granules
1 small Ripe Avocado Chopped
1 cup Fresh Cilantro
3 tablespoons Lime Juice
1/4 cup Green Onions
1 large Jalapeno Pepper Chopped
10 milliliters Garlic
6 ounces Uncooked Fettucine
1/2 cup Shredded Zucchini
1/4 cup Sliced Black Olives
2 tablespoons Chopped Tomatoes
Fresh Cilantro Leaves

Sprinkle Chicken With Cumin & Chili Powder.
Heat Oil in A Medium Skillet;
Add Chicken & Cook Over Medium Heat 3 To 4 Min.
On Each Side. Add Water & Bouillon Granules;
Reduce Heat & Simmer 15 Min. OR Until Chicken Is Done.

Remove Chicken From Broth, Reserving Broth in Skillet. Cover & Chill Chicken.

Bring Broth To A Boil & Cook Until Reduced To 1/4 C.
Remove From Heat & Cool.
Strain Broth Through A Sieve & Pour Into Processor.
Add Avocado, Cilantro, Lime Juice, Green Onions, Pepper & Garlic.
Process Until Smooth.

Cook Fettuccine According To Package Directions. Drain.
Rinse Under Cold Water & Drain Again.

Combine Fettuccine & Half Of Avocado Mixture;
Toss Well. Place in Center Of A Serving Platter.
Arrange Zucchini Around Fettuccine-Avocado Mixture.
Cut Chilled Chicken Into 1/4 in. Strips & Arrange Over Fettuccine;
Sprinkle With Olives.
Spoon Remaining Avocado Mixture Into Center Of Chicken;
Sprinkle With Chopped Cilantro.
Garnish With Fresh Cilantro Leaves If Desired.

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Fruit Salad Dressing Recipe

Various dressings may be served with fruit salad, and usually the one selected depends on the preference of those to whom it is served.
However, an excellent dressing for salad of this kind and one that most persons find delicious is made from fruit juices thickened by means of eggs.
Whenever a recipe in this Section calls for a fruit salad dressing, this is the one that is intended.

1/2 c. pineapple, peach, or pear juice
1/2 c. orange juice
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. sugar
2 eggs

Mix the fruit juices, add the sugar, beat the eggs slightly, and add them.
Put the whole into a double boiler and cook until the mixture begins to thicken.
Remove from the fire and beat for a few seconds with a rotary egg beater.
Cool and serve.

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About Fruit Salad

Salads made of fruit are undoubtedly the most delicious that can be prepared. In addition to being delightful in both appearance and flavor, they afford another means of introducing fruit into the diet.

As fruit is decidedly beneficial for all persons with a normal digestion, every opportunity to include it in the diet should be grasped. Some fruit salads are comparatively bland in flavor while others are much more acid, but the mild ones are neither so appetizing nor so beneficial as those which are somewhat tart.

Advantage should be taken of the various kinds of fresh fruits during the seasons when they can be obtained, for usually very appetizing salads can be made of them.

However, the family need not be deprived of fruit salads during the winter when fresh fruits cannot be secured, for delicious salads can be made from canned and dried fruits, as well as from bananas and citrus fruits, which are usually found in all markets.

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Potato Salad Recipe

Potato Salad Recipe #1

Potato salad is usually considered to be an economical salad.
It may be made with left-over potatoes or potatoes cooked especially for this purpose.
If there are in supply a large number of small potatoes, which are difficult to use in ordinary ways, they may be cooked with the skins on and peeled to be used for salad when they have cooled.
A boiled salad dressing is perhaps the most desirable for such a salad.

Cut into dice six medium sized potatoes (boiled);
three medium onions; salt and pepper them to taste;
pour over and mix well the following dressing:

Three well beaten eggs, three large tablespoonfuls of strong vinegar, a lump of butter size of a walnut, pinch of salt, pepper and mustard (unmixed);
put on the stove and cook to a thin custard, stirring constantly.
For serving four to six people.

Potato Salad Recipe #2

2 c. diced potatoes
1 medium-sized onion
Boiled salad dressing
1/2 tsp. celery seed
1 Tb. parsley, chopped
1 hard-cooked egg

Dice the potatoes into 1/2-inch dice, chop the onion fine, and mix the two.
Add the celery seed and parsley and season the whole with salt.
Just before serving, mix well with boiled dressing.
Garnish a salad bowl or salad plates with lettuce, place the salad on the lettuce, and then garnish with slices of hard cooked egg.
Sufficient to Serve Four.

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Chicken Salad Recipe #4

As the Irishman would say, turkey makes the best chicken salad.
Boil till well done.
Use only the white meat, which cut with sharp scissors into pieces about one-half inch square;
add an equal quantity of celery cut in same manner, sprinkling over it salt and pepper.
Put in a cold place till two hours before serving, then add the following dressing:

For one chicken take three eggs, one cup of vinegar, one cup of sweet milk, one-half cup butter, one tablespoon made mustard, salt, black and red pepper, beat eggs, melt butter; stir all together over a slow fire till it thickens;
when cool beat into it one cup of cream.
Serve salad on crisp, well-bleached lettuce leaves, on the top of each putting a small quantity of mayonnaise dressing.

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Chicken Salad Recipe #3

The remains of cold roast or boiled chicken,
2 lettuces, a little endive,
1 cucumber
, a few slices of boiled beetroot and salad-dressing.

Trim neatly the remains of the chicken;
wash, dry, and slicethe lettuces, and place in the middle of a dish;
put the pieces of fowl on the top, and pour the salad-dressing over them.

Garnish the edge of the salad with hard-boiled eggs cut in rings, sliced cucumber, and boiled beetroot cut in slices.
Instead of cutting the eggs in rings, the yolks may be rubbed through a hair sieve, and the whites chopped very finely, and arranged on the salad in small bunches, yellow and white alternately.
This should not be made long before it is wanted for table.

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Chicken Salad Recipe #2

Take one fowl (boiled);
one cucumber;
two heads lettuce;
two beets

Dressing made according to the following recipe:

One teaspoonful mixed mustard; one-half teaspoonful sugar;
four tablespoonfuls salad oil;
four tablespoonfuls milk;
two tablespoonfuls vinegar; cayenne and salt to taste;
add the oil, drop by drop, to the mustard and sugar, mixing carefully;
next add milk and vinegar gradually, lest the sauce curdle, and the seasoning.

Place the shredded chicken on a bed of lettuce, and pour the dressing over it. Around the edge arrange rings of hard boiled eggs, sliced cucumber and beet root.

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Chicken Salad Recipe #1

A favored means of using left-over chicken is to make chicken salad of it.
It is well, however, if the chicken can be prepared especially for the salad and the nicer pieces of meat used.
This is usually done when chicken salad is to be served at a party or special dinner.

2 c. chicken
1 c. diced celery
1 green pepper
French dressing
1 pimiento

Cut the meat from the bones of a chicken and dice it.
Dice the celery, clean the green pepper, and cut it into small pieces.
Mix the pepper and the celery with the chicken.
Marinate with French dressing, chill, and allow to stand for about 1/2 hour.
Drain the dressing from the salad mixture, serve in a garnished salad bowl or on garnished salad plates, pour mayonnaise over the top, and garnish with strips of pimiento.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Chicken Salad Asian-Style

4 Chicken breast halves -- cooked, skinned, boneless broken into small pieces
1 can Water chestnuts (8 oz can) -- drained, sliced
3 Green onions with tops -- chopped
1/4 cup Sesame seeds -- toasted
1/3 cup Sliced almonds -- toasted
1 tablespoon Poppy seeds
1 can Chow mein noodles (3 oz can)
1 Medium head iceberg lettuce -- broken into small pieces

In large bowl, mix together chicken, water chestnuts, green onions, sesame seeds, almonds and poppy seeds.
Pour Dressing over chicken mixture; toss gently to mix well.
Refrigerate salad until chilled, about 2 hours.

At serving time, mix chicken mixture with noodles and lettuce.
Makes 6 servings.

In a 1-pint jar, mix together 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper.
Add 1/2 cup salad oil; shake to mix well.

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Chicken Salad Recipe

1 each Small sweet pickle
1 each 1-inch piece onion
1 each Cooked chicken breast -- cubed
1/3 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1 dash Salt
1 dash Pepper

Place pickle and onion in blender or food processor.
Process until finely chopped.
Add chicken and process 3 fast pulses.
Add remaining ingredients and process 2 fast pulses.
Yield: 1 Cup

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Broccoli Salad Recipe

Broccoli Salad Recipe

1 each Head of broccoli flowerets
3/4 cup Shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup Drained kidney beans
1/2 each Basket of 1/2'd cherry tom
1 each Small onion (cut thin)
3/4 cup Sliced fresh mushrooms
1 package Good Seasons Italian salad mix

Toss and marinate 4 hours or overnight.

Broccoli Sesame Salad

1 head broccoli
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons sesame oil
4 tablespoons sesame seeds -- toasted

Wash broccoli, discarding leaves and toughest part of stem. Blanch entire head in boiling water for one minute. Rinse under cold water. Break off florets and cut remaining stem (peeled, if desired) into 2" pieces.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Pour olive oil onto a baking sheet.
Spread broccoli pieces in one layer, turning to coat with olive oil. Roast at 450 degrees for 5 minutes, turn broccoli pieces over, and continue roasting until broccoli begins to brown, about 5 minute more.

Whisk together soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil. Stir in 3 tablespoons sesame seeds. When broccoli is done, transfer to a bowl and pour dressing over it, stirring gently to coat. Sprinkle with remaining tablespoon sesame seeds. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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