Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fish Salad Recipes

(Salmon or Tuna fish)

1 can salmon or tunny (or tuna) fish
1 cupful shredded cabbage or sliced celery

Drain the oil from the fish; remove the bone and bits of skin. Add the cabbage or celery, and Mayonnaise or Cream Salad Dressing. Arrange on lettuce and garnish as desired. If Cream Dressing is used with salmon, the oil drained from the salmon may be used for the fat of Cream Dressing. The salmon may be marinated before adding the other ingredients. When this
is done, the salad dressing may be omitted. Salmon contains so much fat that it is not well to add more oil after marinating.


Cold Boiled Fish
1 Lettuce
1 Egg
Salad Dressing

flake up the fish free from skin and bone. Wash and dry the lettuce and shred it up, mix the fish with salad dressing. Put a layer of lettuce at the bottom of the bowl, then one of fish and dressing. Do this alternatively, leaving plenty of lettuce for the top; garnish with hard boiled eggs cut into slices.


Cut in small pieces any cold dressed fish, turbot or salmon are the best suited; mix it with half a pint of small salad, and a lettuce cut small, two onions boiled till tender and mild, and a few truffles thinly sliced; pour over a fine salad mixture, and arrange it into a
shape, high in the centre, and garnish with hard eggs cut in slices; a little cucumber mixed with the salad is an improvement. The mixture may either be a common salad mixture, or made as follows: take the yolks of three hard boiled eggs, with a spoonful of mustard, and a little salt, mix these with a cup of cream, and four table-spoonsful of vinegar, the different ingredients should be added carefully and worked together smoothly, the whites of the eggs may be trimmed and placed in small heaps round the dish as a garnish.

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